Credit Discrimination

The Equal Credit Opportunity Act protects you from discrimination in credit transactions. There are many different federal agencies who enforce this law. Contact your local or state civil rights commission to find out who to turn to for help. If you have been discriminated against while trying to get a mortgage or any other form of credit relating to a home, please see housing discrimination.

In credit transactions, you cannot be treated differently based on your race, color, national origin, sex/gender, physical disability, age, religion/creed, sexual orientation, retaliation, or marital status.

  • Race, Color, and National Origin: Everyone belongs to a certain group of people based on physical and cultural characteristics. You cannot be treated differently because of the group you belong to, the color of your skin, the language you speak, or where you (or your ancestors) were born.
  • Sex/Gender: You cannot be treated differently because you are a male or a female. This includes protection for pregnant individuals.
  • Physical Disability: Discrimination in credit based on physical disability is illegal.
  • Age: If you are over the age of 18 you may not be treated differently when applying for credit because of your age.
  • Religion/Creed: You have the freedom to believe in and worship whatever and wherever you wish. However, if the company you are trying to secure credit from is owned (even partially) by a religious organization they are allowed to treat people differently based on religion.
  • Sexual Orientation: You may choose any partner (male or female) that you wish and cannot be treated differently because of it. This also prohibits discrimination based on your gender identity. However, if the company you are trying to secure credit from is owned (even partially) by a religious organization they have the right to treat you differently based on your sexual orientation or gender identity.
  • Retaliation: It is illegal to treat you differently because you filed a complaint of discrimination or participated in a discrimination case in the past.
  • Martial Status: You cannot be treated differently because you are a single or a married person when trying to secure credit.

What is credit discrimination?

  • Refusing you a loan because you are single.
  • A credit company (such as Payday Perfect) offering different rates to black and white people.
  • A credit card company refusing you a credit card because you have a physical disability.
  • Refusing a car loan without a husband's signature as a cosign.

What is not credit discrimination?

  • Refusing you a loan based on a poor credit score.
  • Refusing you a loan because you have taken out too many and have not paid them off. 
  • Not allowing you a loan because you are under the age of 18.